Six Things You Shouldn't Assume About The Indoor Air Quality In Your Home

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What do you think about when you turn the oven on? You probably think about the delicious food you're about to eat. What about when you flip on a light switch? You might think about how nicely your room is illuminated. But both of these actions have a greater underlying theme: they use energy. In fact, you use energy every day. And while doing so makes your life easier, the energy you consume also has an impact on the planet. The more you use, the more coal is burned, and the more greenhouse gasses are release. If you're ready to be a more responsible consumer of energy, check out the articles on this blog, which we've collected to provide insight into energy, the environment, and the relationship between the two.


Six Things You Shouldn't Assume About The Indoor Air Quality In Your Home

21 March 2022
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

The indoor air quality in your home has a big impact on your everyday comfort. That's why you need to be well informed about indoor air quality and avoid any incorrect assumptions about indoor air quality issues.

The following are six things you shouldn't assume about the indoor air quality in your home.

The indoor air quality in your home is good enough.

It's difficult to know for sure how good your indoor air quality is until you have it tested. You shouldn't make any assumptions about your indoor air quality because it's impossible to really know how good or bad it is without official testing. 

Indoor air quality is only a big concern if you have allergies or respiratory issues.

While indoor air quality is often looked on as only the concern of those with certain health conditions, it's important to realize that improving indoor air quality can benefit even those in perfect health.

You don't have to suffer from allergies or respiratory conditions for indoor air quality to significantly impact your everyday quality of life. 

It's going to cost too much to improve your indoor air quality.

You might be surprised at how inexpensive it is to make significant improvements to your indoor air quality. A lot of air filtration equipment doesn't cost much yet makes a big difference in how comfortable a home is. 

There is not much you can do realistically to improve your indoor air quality.

You might feel discouraged from investing in better indoor air quality if you assume that there's not much you can do to make a significant difference.

However, getting air quality testing done and investing in recommended air quality filtration equipment might make a much more noticeable improvement to the air in your home than you think.

Poor indoor air quality can't cause significant health issues.

Indoor air quality can have a significant impact on your health and on the health of others in your household over time.

Poor interior air quality can lead to issues like chronic headaches, congested sinuses, and chronic fatigue. Dealing with these problems over the long term can really take its toll on an individual's health.

Indoor air quality is always high in a new home.

You can't necessarily assume that you've got great interior air quality just because your home is new. You should have your interior air quality tested even if you're living in a new home if you want to make sure that it's free from potentially harmful contaminants like pollen or mold spores.